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GURU Ligger Carbon

GURU Ligger Carbon

Regular price £2.75 GBP
Regular price Sale price £2.75 GBP
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The Guru Ligger Carbon Pole Floats feature a much rounder body profile. This gives the float ultimate stability and allow it to be easily controlled in flowing water conditions, perfect for use on rivers.

The body shape means that the float can be held static or held-back against flow to achieve a certain kind of presentation in moving water, slowing the bait down without the body of the float riding up out of the water. Because of the rounder body shape of this pattern, if the line passed around the outside of the body the abrupt angle it can cause line damage, especially when moving the float up or down. To overcome this, these floats feature an in-line system with a small piece of silicone running through the float, eliminating line damage completely. 

This carbon stem version is better suited to fast fishing situations where reduced tangles are priority when quickly shipping in and out, or when you’re looking to catch fish on the drop allowing the float to ‘follow’ the shot down as it falls through the water. The carbon itself is thin for ultimate performance, cutting through the water cleanly so you don’t get any annoying hold-ups in surface skim on calm days.

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