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NASH Siren R3+ Alarm

NASH Siren R3+ Alarm

Regular price £129.99 GBP
Regular price Sale price £129.99 GBP
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The R3+ offers the same iconic and instantly recognisable style as the groundbreaking R3 alarms but now with even more advanced features.

Push button variable LED function allows indicator and alarm set ups to be customised and changed instantly with the innovative Nash LED output and MMCX connection illuminating the wicked Siren Night Glo Bobbins and Swing Arms for ultimate visual indication

Combined with the critically acclaimed Siren Speed Sensing that screens out false indications from wind undertow and drifting weed it’s a complete package that combines performance and practicality.

R3+ Receivers accurately reproduce indications from R3+ Alarm heads tested to in excess of 400 metres to ensure their reliability when challenging terrain and atmospherics cripple the performance of inferior remote systems.

R3+ Alarms and Receivers are available individually or in 2 3 or 4 rod presentation sets which include a Receiver. All Siren Series Alarms and Receivers registered with Nash offer an extended 2 year no quibble guarantee.

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